Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Yom HaAtzma'ut!

Today, May 8, is the anniversary of Israel's independence--Yom HaAtzma'ut. Israel certainly has made a big splash for such a tiny little country, and it's only turning sixty! Unfortunately, lots of those ripples have ended badly for lots of people...but a comedy blog is no place for such talk. Instead, here are some Jewish gifts for all of us to share!

Current cover of HEEB Magazine:

Ever since PCC started displaying HEEB at the check-out line, my crush on Judaism has only gotten stronger. First challah, now this? It's all a Unitarian girl can do to remain objective.

I know what you're thinking. "Rebecca," thinks you, "Everyone's sick of hearing about Jason Segel! Can't we talk about something else for a change?" I suppose, though I respectfully disagree with you. If Brandi had her way, for instance, the world would be like that scene from "Being John Malkovich" where Malkovich goes into his own head...only there'd be Segels everywhere* instead of Malkovichs. Actually, that sounds like a pretty swell time to me, too, but on to other business.

I think it's time to answer that age-old question "what would 'The Emperor's New Groove' be like in Hebrew?"

Happy birthday, Israel! Shalom!

* Flocks of them!**

** Har.


Unknown said...

Segel, Segel Segel Segel Segel Segel Segel Segel! Segel Segel Segel, Segel Segel Segel, Segel? Segel Segel Segel Segel Segel. :)


Anonymous said...

Ew, I laughed out loud at your Segel/seagull pun. I feel dirty now.

Lord, I love him though. From Freaks and Geeks til now...just love.

And I want to get Emperor's New Groove in French!!