Friday, July 25, 2008

Bill Cosby is a Thief

My friend and co-worker Mr. Benjamin Rapson is wonderful to have around. He is blond, his birthday is two days before mine, and he has the kind of beard I'd want to have if I were a man. Ben is also really funny, and told me the other day about the first-ever pun joke he made when he was seven. I'd like to share it with you all now.

Ben: "So, I was reading the newspaper."
Ben's dad: "Really?"
Ben: "Yup. I saw that Bill Cosby was hard up for money, so he robbed a hospital. While he was there, he also took an iron lung."
Ben's dad: "..."
Ben (triumphantly): "The headline was, 'Cosby Steals Cash and Lung.'"

Brilliant. It folds in pop culture references, it's play on TWO sets of names, and if you tell it fast enough, you don't see where it is going until you're hit with the punchline. Nice work, lil' Rapson!

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